


Paisa Bana Powerful

Grievance Policy
हिंदी తెలుగు தமிழ் मराठी ಕನ್ನಡ ગુજરાતી বাংলা ଓଡ଼ିଆ


One MobiKwik Systems Limited. (the Company) is engaged in the following business segment

Semi-Closed prepaid Wallet business: Issuance of multipurpose prepaid Mobikwik Wallet as a payment option alternative to cash for a large segment of the population in the country unable to use e-payment / m-payment facility since they do not have debit/credit cards.

(Semi-Closed prepaid Mobikwik Wallet business is governed by the PSS Act and the RBI Guidelines).

The Company offers a safe and easy payment option to every customer for seamless transactions across M-Commerce and E-Commerce domains. The Company has introduced a multi-purpose prepaid Mobikwik Wallet (known as "Mobikwik eWallet") which can be used to purchase various goods and services Online/On-mobile/IVRS from affiliated merchants based on the "anywhere-anytime" concept which would result in increased sales for all affiliated merchants and safety and convenience for the customer. The Company is helping business organizations to expand markets by supporting sales channels convergence with its payment options.

As a service provider industry, customer service and customer satisfaction are the prime concerns of the Company and the object of this policy is to minimize instances of customer complaints through proper service delivery and review mechanism and prompt redressal of various types of Customer Grievance Redressal Policy customer complaints.

The Company is in the business of issuance of Semi-Closed prepaid Mobikwik Wallet and is authorized by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to operate a Payment System. It is governed by the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007("the PSS Act"), Regulations made under the Issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India (Reserve Bank) Directions, August 27, 2021 ("the RBI Guidelines") laid down by the RBI.

The Company has developed a procedure for promptly attending to grievances of the customers in respect of various issues pertaining to MobiKwik Wallet the online payment mode.

Section 1 - Definitions

  1. 'Company' shall mean One Mobikwik Systems Limited. which is carrying on the business of issuance of Prepaid Payment Instruments, payment processing, payment collection and related services by facilitating payment solutions to the Customer for buying goods and services through any digital/electronic medium.
  2. 'Complainant' shall mean the Customer who has a Grievance.
  3. 'Customer' shall mean the holder and/or user of Mobikwik Wallet and/or any of the system participants of the Company.
  4. 'Grievance' shall mean communication in any form by a customer that expresses dissatisfaction about an action or lack of action by, or about the standard of service of the Company and/or its representative, in relation to use of Mobikwik Wallet.
  5. 'Mobikwik Wallet' shall mean the activated and valid Semi-closed prepaid wallet and all variants of the same issued by the Company.
  6. 'Payment System' means a system that enables payment to be effected between a payer and a beneficiary involving clearing, payment or settlement service or all of them but Customer Grievance Redressal Policy does not include a stock exchange.
  7. 'Redressal' shall mean the final disposal of the Grievance of the Complainant by the Company.
  8. 'System Participant' shall mean Bank or any other person participating in a payment system and includes the system provider as per the PSS Act.
  9. 'System Provider' shall mean a person who operates and authorizes a payment system.
  10. 'Week' shall mean consecutive seven Working Days.
  11. 'Working Day' shall mean any day (other than Sunday & Public Holiday) on which the Company's Corporate Office is open for business.

Section 2 - Principles Governing Company's policy

The Company's policy on grievance redressal is governed by the following principles:

  1. Customers shall be treated fairly at all times.
  2. Complaints raised by customers shall be attended to with courtesy and on time.
  3. Customers shall be fully informed of avenues for grievance redressal within the organization and their right to approach the Customers Grievance Redressal Committee in case they are not fully satisfied with the response of the Customer Support.

The Company's Officer-in-Charge of Customer Support must work in good faith keeping in mind this policy of the Company.

Section 3 - Process to handle Customer Grievances

  • Level 1 Help & Support

    1. Complaints Registration:
      • You can register your complaint with Mobikwik Customer Support by clicking on the (Help & Support?) icon related to the Help & Support section on the side menu on the homepage of the Mobikwik App. In case you fall prey to such fraud or scam, kindly use the link provided to you by us or write to us at or follow our grievance policy, in order to report the same to avoid further loss.
      • We offer customer support service 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
    2. Resolution of Complaints:
      • We are committed to providing you with our first response within 48 hours of receiving the complaint.
      • We aim to resolve all Your complaints/queries within 7 business days.
      • Resolution of Your complaint may get delayed due to operational or technical reasons. In such a scenario, You will be proactively informed of the timelines during which Your complaint will be addressed.
      • In a few scenarios, while the resolution to a complaint is instant, it may take time for it to get reflected in the system. For example, refund approval can be instant, but it may take 3-10 days to reflect money into the account. Please note that such delays are attributable to banking and other operational issues
      • Complaints related to ‘fraud and risk assessment’ often take longer to investigate due to the involvement of multiple agencies. The resolution time in such cases is dependent on the severity and complexity of the case. You shall be proactively informed of the timelines in such cases.

      Note: Users are proactively informed of delays if any, in the resolution. Escalation of Complaints to Level 2, if User is not satisfied.

    Level 2 Grievance Escalation

    1. Complaints Registration: You can access any of the following channels to escalate your complaint.
    2. Resolution of Complaints:
      • We are committed to providing a first response within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.
      • We aim to resolve all Level 2 complaints within 5 business days. Any delay in the resolution time shall be proactively communicated to you.

    Level 3 Nodal Escalation

    1. Complaints Registration:

      In accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules made thereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer is provided below:
      Principal Nodal Officer – Deepak Gagneja
      Nodal Officer – Prashant Gandhi
      Phone: +918069898317
      Email :-
      Address: Office – One MobiKwik Systems Limited Unit No. 102, 1st Floor, Block-B, Pegasus One, Golf Course Road, Sector-53, Gurugram,
      Haryana-122003, India
      Working hours: Mon-Fri 10 am to 7 pm

    2. Resolution of Complaints:–
      • We are committed to providing a first response within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.
      • We aim to resolve all Level 3 complaints within 7 business days. Any delay in the resolution time shall be proactively communicated to you.

    Level 4 RBI Ombudsman Escalation

    • If your query or complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at previous levels within 30 days, you can reach out to the Reserve Bank as per the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021.

      Complaint lodging portal of the Ombudsman:

      Toll-Free No: 14448 (for enquiry)

      Address - Reserve Bank of India, 4th Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh – 160017

      For more details, please refer to the link  RBI Ombudsman

    Section 4 - To Report Unauthorized Transaction

    To Block and Report Unauthorized Transaction on your MobiKwik Wallet Account Report via MobiKwik Website or App

    • Visit - or Help Section of your MobiKwik App and choose Report Fraud option.
    • Fill in the required details and click on Create Ticket.
    • Please use the Ticket Id generated for future reference or communication with our investigation officer.

    Report via email:

    • To report Fraud on your MobiKwik account please keep the transaction details (Order Id, Amount, Date, and Time) handy for quick assistance.
    • To report Fraud performed via Debit/Credit Card, etc please share transaction details, Initial 6 & last 4 card digits, Transaction Date & Time.

    Section 5 - Customer Protection – Limited Liability in Unauthorised Transaction

    Limited Liability in Unauthorised Electronic Payment Transactions in Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) issued by Authorised Non-banks

    Customer Liability in the event of unauthorized Payment Transaction

    In accordance and subject to RBI guidelines and directions made available at - , a customer’s liability arising out of an unauthorized payment transaction will be limited to:
    Customer liability in case of unauthorized electronic payment transactions through a PPI
    S.No. Particulars Maximum liability of customers
    (a) Contributory fraud / negligence / deficiency on the part of the PPI issuer, including PPI-MTS issuer (irrespective of whether or not the transaction is reported by the customer) Zero
    (b) Third party breach where the deficiency lies neither with the PPI issuer nor with the customer but lies elsewhere in the system, and the customer notifies the PPI issuer regarding the unauthorised payment transaction. The per transaction customer liability in such cases will depend on the number of days lapsed between the receipt of transaction communication by the customer from the PPI issuer and the reporting of unauthorised transaction by the customer to the PPI issuer -
    i. Within three days# Zero
    ii. Within four to seven days# Transaction value or ₹ 10,000/- per transaction, whichever is lower
    iii. Beyond seven days# Mobikwik would decide on a case-to-case basis
    (c) In cases where the loss is due to negligence by a customer, such as where he / she has shared the payment credentials, the customer will bear the entire loss until he / she reports the unauthorised transaction to the PPI issuer. Any loss occurring after the reporting of the unauthorised transaction shall be borne by the PPI issuer.
    (d) PPI issuers may also, at their discretion, decide to waive off any customer liability in case of unauthorised electronic payment transactions even in cases of customer negligence.
    # The number of days mentioned above shall be counted excluding the date of receiving the communication from the PPI issuer.

    We at One MobiKwik Systems Limited caution the members of the public and our Users not to fall prey to fictitious offers and or unsolicited phone calls or emails asking for financial information or any other type of personal information. It has been observed that fraudsters have resorted to defraud the susceptible public by convincing them over a phone call to divulge details of their debit/credit card or their bank account information in order to commit cybercrimes. Recipients of such communication fall prey to frauds or scams perpetrated by individuals who impersonate to be employees of various financial institutions and end up compromising their confidential information and that which is later on used by such fraudsters on e-commerce and m-commerce platforms. We apprise you that MobiKwik will never ask for the details of your Account / PIN / Password / Full Debit / Credit Card number / Expiry Date / OTP / CVV / Confidential Bank Account details or any other security/personnel information.

    MobiKwik has implemented a highly secured environment in order to avoid and check fraudulent transactions – however, it is important for customers to ensure that they exercise caution and refrain from compromising sensitive and personal information.

    Section 6 - Raise dispute against UPI transactions

    To raise disputes against UPI transactions done on the app, the customer can choose any of the below options -

    Section 7 - BBPS - Grievance Redressal Process

    Mobikwik has placed a centralized end to end complaint management system for bill payment transactions done through MobiKwik App / Web. This helps in building the trust and confidence of the customers by facilitating an effective, efficient, and centralized mechanism for handling customer complaints.

    Complaint Management System

    Considering BBPS guidelines, the centralized ticketing mechanism has been prepared for lodging a complaint. Wherein,

    • The customer can directly or through the BBPOU (Bharat Bill Payment Operating Unit) or any agent (of BBPOU i.e MobiKwik) be able to log onto the centralized BBPCU website and register a complaint based on the transaction id created for that particular transaction.
    • The Mobikwik App/Web or the complaint management portal is repository for transaction data and link to the billers through their respective BBPOUs.

      Two kinds of complaints are envisaged on BBPS:-

      1. Transaction-based complaint
      2. Service-based complaint

      Transaction based complaint:

      Such type of complaint is raised by a customer either for a successful / pending / failed transaction. The customer will initiate a complaint on Mobikwik website. Transaction ID will be used as a unique reference number for raising complaints.

      Service based complaint

      Such types of complaints are raised by a customer for non-transactional issues.
      Transaction based complaints will undergo validation at CU and biller OU levels. Where as service based complaints won’t undergo any transaction level validation.

    • The BBPS Complaint Management System is used for registering and tracking complaints. At the time of raising a complaint, the customer will be asked to select a transaction or enter transaction details to register the complaint.
    • On the basis of the Transaction ID and the status of the transaction the complaint shall be tagged to the respective BBPOU and the biller for resolution.
    • The BBPOU provide the access to the biller for checking the complaint and resolving the same. In such cases once the biller updates the resolution in the system, BBPOU can verify and close the complaint. Closure of the complaint will remain with the BBPOU only.

    The following are the complaint statuses and TAT in which complaints are addressed / Closed.

    Status Description TAT
    Complaint Lodged A customer has raised a complaint but is yet to receive a complaint acceptance response. Within a day of complaint registration
    Assigned At this stage the complaint is with Mobikwik, who will be responsible for sending the complaint acceptance response to the customer. Within a day of complaint registration
    Pending with BBPOU The complaint is still to be addressed by the BBPOU or its biller or agent (Mobikwik) Within a day of complaint registration
    Resolved Once the biller / BBPOU resolves the customer related complaint, the BBPOU updates the system Within 7 days of complaint registration
    Additional information required The biller / BBPOU requires further information for the complaint, the BBPOU updates the system accordingly Within 7 days of complaint registration
    Reassigned Once the biller / BBPOU rejects the complaints, the BBPOU updates the system Within 7 days of complaint registration
    Escalated If the biller / BBPOU doesn’t respond to the complaint by the specified TAT After 7 days of complaint registration

    Section 8 - Refund TAT & Complaints Pertaining to Failed Transactions

    In line with the guidelines issued by RBI from time to time with regard to Harmonization and Compensation for failed transactions using authorized payment systems, the applicable TAT is to be maintained. (As per Annexure)

    A ‘failed transaction’ is a transaction which has not been fully completed due to any reason not attributable to the customer such as failure in communication links, non-availability of cash in an ATM, time-out of sessions, etc. Failed transactions shall also include the credits which could not be effected to the beneficiary account on account of lack of full information or lack of proper information and delay in initiating a reversal transaction.


    Sl. no. Description of the incident Framework for auto-reversal and compensation
    Timeline for auto-reversal Compensation
    1Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) including Micro-ATMs
    aCustomer’s account debited but cash not dispensed.Pro-active reversal (R) of a failed transaction within a maximum of T + 5 days.₹ 100/- per day of delay beyond T + 5 days, to the credit of the account holder.
    2Card Transaction
    a Card to card transfer
    Card account debited but the beneficiary card account not credited.
    Transaction to be reversed (R) latest within T + 1 day, if credit is not effected to the beneficiary account.₹ 100/- per day of delay beyond T + 1 day.
    b Point of Sale (PoS) (Card Present) including Cash at PoS
    Account debited but confirmation not received at merchant location i.e., charge- slip not generated.
    Auto-reversal within T + 5 days.₹ 100/- per day of delay beyond T + 5 days.
    c Card Not Present (CNP) (e-commerce)
    Account debited but confirmation not received at merchant’s system.
    3Immediate Payment System (IMPS)
    aAccount debited but the beneficiary account is not credited.If unable to credit to the beneficiary account, auto reversal (R) by the Beneficiary bank latest on T + 1 day.₹100/- per day if delay is beyond T + 1 day.
    4Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
    aAccount debited but the beneficiary account is not credited (transfer of funds).If unable to credit the beneficiary account, auto reversal (R) by the Beneficiary bank latest on T + 1 day.₹100/- per day if delay is beyond T + 1 day.
    bAccount debited but transaction confirmation not received at merchant location (payment to merchant).Auto-reversal within T + 5 days.₹100/- per day if delay is beyond T + 5 days.
    5Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (including Aadhaar Pay)
    aAccount debited but transaction confirmation not received at merchant location.Acquirer to initiate “Credit Adjustment” within T + 5 days.₹100/- per day if delay is beyond T + 5 days.
    bAccount debited but beneficiary account not credited.
    6Aadhaar Payment Bridge System (APBS)
    aDelay in crediting beneficiary’s account.Beneficiary bank to reverse the transaction within T + 1 day.₹100/- per day if
    delay is beyond T
    + 1 day.
    7National Automated Clearing House (NACH)
    aDelay in crediting beneficiary’s
    account or reversal of amount.
    Beneficiary bank to reverse
    the uncredited transaction
    within T + 1 day.
    ₹100/- per day if
    delay is beyond T
    + 1 day.
    bAccount debited despite
    revocation of debit mandate
    with the bank by the customer.
    The customer’s bank will
    be responsible for such
    debit. Resolution to be
    completed within T + 1 day.
    8Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) – Cards / Wallets
    a Off-Us transaction
    The transaction will ride on UPI, card network, IMPS, etc., as the case may be. The TAT and compensation rule of the respective system shall apply.
    b On-Us transaction Beneficiary’s
    PPI not credited. PPI debited but transaction confirmation not received at merchant location.
    Reversal effected in Remitter’s account within T + 1 day.₹100/- per day if delay is beyond T + 1 day.