Idea brings special packs for their MP and chhattisgarh users. The central part of India, which was earlier a single state, has been split into MP and Chhattisgarh. But this split can’t stop us from calling someone who is near or dear to us. Exchanging the news, good or bad, whatever it is, and being part of the social community is a custom dear to everyone. Now after splitting, where you could make a local call, it becomes expensive for STD minutes. This also has some sentimental issues and the feeling of separation can also grow and result in resentment. Apart from the governmental efforts, some business efforts can also yield fruit by an effort to integrate all. Mobile companies are instrumental in this as they help people talk, which directly leads to positive relation building. Idea cellular in MP and Chhattisgarh has introduced some schemes to augment this element.
Idea Rs.75 pack offers 500 minutes of local Idea to Idea calls. The validity of the scheme is for one month and the scheme is offered in the non prime time slot that is from 11PM to 6 AM. The other new idea offer is a recharge pack of Rs.89, which gives the customer 200 minutes of STD mobile minutes for 21 days. The validity of the scheme is for 21 days and it gives the customer 200 STD minutes at Rs.89 but the billing here is per minute so any call made costs the customer one minute of talk time. The next offer is Rs.119 idea special pack which gives 1000 minutes local Idea to Idea talk time but again has the catch of night time validity as this only applies for 11 PM to 6 AM. The scheme lasts for one month in a recharge period and so the customer needs to remember the time frame to avoid any extra charges incurred.
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