Uninor Talk time Recharge Packs for Orissa

Uninor has provided various different offers to the customers with the changing scenario and to capture the market share of other telecom giants. These offers provide a lot to the customers. They not only get the talktime but other schemes also with the same recharge offers. The offers are great and following is the description of these offers:

A)     UNINOR ORISSA DISCOUNT RECHARGE PACK OF RS 48: This offer provides you with Rs 10 talktime and gives you discounts of 5% to 60% on the local calls. The actual tariff plan is 50 paisa per national or local call and the SMS costs 60 paisa. This all is valid for complete one year.

B)      UNINOR ORISSA VALIDITY RECHARGE PACK OF RS 55: This recharge provides you with the core balance of Rs 30 for 90 days and the offer provides rate of 1 paisa per 2 second for local calls and 1 paisa per second for STD calls. The SMS costs 25 paisa.

C)      UNINOR ORISSA ISD PACK OF RS 111: This offer gives the talktime of Rs 100 with the validity of 30 days and it has the benefit of calling US, Canada, UK Fixed, China, Hongkong, Singapore at just 1 paisa per second and Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Greece Fixed, Spain Fixed, Romania Fixed and Russia Fixed at 4 paisa per second. While it offers the calling rate of 11 paisa per second for calling Australia, Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, Indonesia, Japan, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Oman Fixed, Qatar Fixed, Philippines Fixed, Russia Mobile, Greece Mobile, Romania Mobile and Spain Mobile.

The company offers great packs and benefits to its customers.

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