Dial-a-Recharge : Just Dial a number to get Instant Recharge

So, here’s the big news.

Now you can recharge your prepaid mobile by simply dialing a number (from your primary mobikwik number). The number to dial is 022-30932093.

Recharging via call is a 3 step process.

1. Call 022-30932093 and wait for the voice.

2. Enter 10 digit Mobile Number.

3. Enter Amount in Rupees to recharge.

And voila, you will get your recharge before you hang up!

Can recharging your mobile phone get any simpler and faster than this?

If you don’t want to recharge, just want to check your mobikwik balance, simply dial the same number. Your balance will be told to you within seconds!

Note 1: Call charges will be normal for calling any Mumbai number (Local for Mumbai, STD for others). Based on demand, we will roll out local numbers in all big cities and states as well as in multiple languages.

Note 2 : For recharge to be successful, you need to have sufficient mobikwik balance.

Note 3 : This service is available only from primary mobikwik number.

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Comments (7):

  1. Adarsh

    November 26, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    How do u ensure that I can't recharge some other persons mobile?

    • Upasana Taku

      November 27, 2010 at 7:09 am

      Hi Adarsh

      Both with SMS recharge and Dial-a-Recharge you can recharge your phone and

      your friend's/family member's phone. So long as you are calling from the

      primary phone number linked to a MobiKwik.com account and your MobiKwik

      account has money (balance) you will be able to recharge others phones also.

      Why would we want to stop you from recharging some other person's

      (friend/family) phone?

    • Bipin

      November 27, 2010 at 9:10 am

      As a matter of fact, we don't. There's a concept of Primary Number which is associated with a member account. Recharge can be done *for* any number, as long as the call is made *from* the primary number.

  2. Ram

    November 27, 2010 at 6:37 am

    Great effort..But SMS recharge is more comfortable to me..Anyway all the best..
    One more thing,while i was dialed to that no with my mobikwik bal is zero,the IVR system
    replied “Your Mobikwik Balance is zero, please enter 10 digit mobile number to recharge”.
    If anyone feel something wrong with this message??

    • Upasana Taku

      November 27, 2010 at 7:10 am

      Thanks Ram!

      Point taken, we will rework the message for the use case when MobiKwik

      Balance is zero.

    • Bipin

      November 27, 2010 at 9:09 am

      You are right, we have reworded this message, please check it out!


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