Tata Docomo Launches their new GPRS packs for Gujarat users. With the technological development of mobiles came the benefits. Once a mobile is capable of internet communication it changes the perspective of a person and then once it has to be withdrawn the void created is enormous. So the solution has been cheaper internet tariff for mobile net connectivity. There are too many abroad from Gujarat so it is quite natural to offer a cheaper scheme as the consumption is high. So Tata Docomo introduces new GPRS packs for their users.
TATA docomo RS. 15 GPRS with 500MB internet usage is a pack for someone who needs to have some connectivity regularly but the consumption level is not quite high, or it can be for someone who needs to connect for few moments at a time but continuous demand is not there. TATA docomo Rs. 33 GPRS, 1 GB internet pack is an upgraded version of the earlier one but it has some restriction on its usage as the time earmarked for usage is 11 PM to 7 AM which is mostly off hours or for some of the BPOs it can be the peak hour. So this package is customer oriented and due to higher usage space only subscribing to this will not be justified. TATA docomo Rs.48 GPRS pack is the higher strata of the earlier one which offers 2 GB internet usage in the same time frame as the earlier ones. So customer with higher consumption will definitely go for this. The other one in the list is TATA docomo Rs.95, GPRS pack which is for a heavy duty user as it offers 6 GB of usage against the amount. So it can be seen that from a very small offer to quite high offers are all included for customers depending upon their need.
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